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Avoid Peeling Fruits and Vegetables | Yoga of Eating

Updated: Jan 26, 2021

Peels are some of the most nutritious parts of a plant and contain lots of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants . As much as possible, one must avoid peeling fruits and vegetables whose skin one can eat such as potatoes, ginger cucumbers, apples, eggplants, plums, carrots etc. Some fruits and vegetables have tough peels which are hard to digest, or simply inedible. These peels are best removed and not eaten. From an Ayurvedic* perspective, some peels can be hard to digest and one could make a choice to peel or eat the skins and it all depends on the person's digestive strength. If the digestive strength is good, one could eat the skin for better nutrition. Some nuts such as Almonds must be soaked overnight and peeled before use as the skin is heaty and may aggravate heat related issues in a person's body. Although it's best to eat Organic, if the produce is not Organic, It may still be a wiser idea to keep the peel . Pesticide residues not only reside on the skin but may be part of the fruit or vegetable all the way in its flesh. If you put pesticide on a Mango tree, it could still be part of the flesh and not only on its skin as the pesticides would have been absorbed all the way from the roots to every part of the plant . Please wash all veggies and fruit thoroughly before use.

*Ayurveda is one of the oldest systems of traditional natural healing in the world. Also known as the sister of Yoga, it stresses deeply on nutrition and lifestyle for optimal health.

Ayurveda believes that there are three bio energies ie Vata ( Air and Ether Elements), Pitta ( Fire and Water ) and Kapha ( Earth and Water) within the body and their balance or imbalance determines the state of good or ill health .

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