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Moong Bean Veggie Delight Soup | Yoga of Eating

Writer's picture: Yoga of EatingYoga of Eating

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

*Please do not use onions for the purpose of monodiets /fasting on Ekadashi.

Ingredients :

1/2 cup split Mung Beans

1 medium sized Onion*

1/4 cup chopped string beans

1/4 cup chopped carrots

Lime juice Himalayan Pink Salt


Soak the Mung bean for between 4 to 6 hours. Boil in 2.5 cups water for about 30 minutes on medium flame till soft. Blend with electric blender/ churner. Simultaneously, in another vessel, dry roast the onions. Add chopped carrots and beans ( add more veggies if you like) and cook for a few minutes. Add a cup of water and cook till soft. Add this to the mung bean soup. Cook for a few more minutes. Add some lime juice, salt to taste and enjoy this super delicious soup. This dish is nourishing, light and wonderful for Summer.



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